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Get Involved with our Ministry Teams


What is a Ministry Team?  Unlike Committees which meet to follow an agenda, complete a task, and then go home, Ministry Teams take involvement a step further by first supporting and ministering to one another, and then accomplishing a particular ministry task.  Our Ministry Teams are led by Elders, but open to anyone in the congregation.  Teams meet monthly and share dinner each quarter.  Read the descriptions below and see which one God may be calling you to join.  As believers, we are all called to ministry through Jesus Christ!

Mission & Outreach


We support over 40 mission efforts around the world and in our own backyard. From medical mission work in Chad and education work in Russia and Thailand, to Cru chapters on local campuses, and practical service to neighbors in our local community, there are many ways to express the love of Christ through OLCC,P.



OLCC,P members at Reach Out Day 

Deacon Ministry


Deacons provide compassionate care to those in need. Among their many ministries, Deacons visit the lonely, provide meals for those who are recovering from surgery or have had a baby, help with transportation and welcome newcomers to the church. If you would like to help Deacons provide practical support to others in our congregation and local community, contact the Moderator of the Board of Deacons.



Just some of the Christmas presents that Deacons delivered to needy families last year.

Ladies Christmas Tea was filled to capacity!

Cllick on the photo above for Christmas Carol Trivia

The Gathering Team


The Gathering Team helps strengthen and broaden our sense of community by coordinating special events throughout the year.  Traditions include Lakeside Fireworks, Ice Cream Social, Marshbank Worship & Picnic, Ladies Christmas Tea, Euchre Night, Harvest Dinner, and more.  The team is also responsible for hospitality, treats, and coffee after Sunday worship.  If you have a heart to build relationships and invite our neighbors into the community life of OLCC,P, the Gathering Team welcomes your involvement!

Christian Life & Learning


The Christian Life & Learning Team coordinates spiritual development programs for disciples of all ages. From the nursery through high school graduation, our Children's Ministries and Student Ministries provide support, instruction, challenge and fun for our younger brothers and sisters. Through Christian Life & Learning Groups for adults, we offer a range of bible studies, events and resources to enhance spiritual growth and explore the intersection of faith and everyday life. If you would like to participate in any of our Christian Life ministries, reach out to the team.

Worship & Music


We are very proud of our Music Ministries at OLCC,P. With our bell choir,  chancel choir, special concerts, and seasonal productions, we are blessed with a range of dramatic and musical expressions that honor God's word, facilitate worship, and express the love of Jesus Christ for our community. If you would like to participate in any of our music ministries or special events, contact the Director of Music Ministries.  


Building & Grounds


Our dedicated Building & Grounds team, a subcommittee of our Trustees, work hard to protect and enhance our church, classrooms, offices, gardens, and lakeside campus.  Help is always welcome at our seasonal clean-up days, on periodic Saturdays for light maintenance, and anytime the place needs a little sprucing up.  

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