Children's Ministries: Nursery - 5th Grade
"Faith, Family and Fun"
Sunday School program during the 10:30am service (during the school year) and 10:00 am in the summer.
Our youngest students (Prek-Gr 5) join their families in worship, but are dismissed to their classroom after the Children's Moment. Older students (Gr 6 - 12) experience the best of both worlds; worshipping in the Sanctuary with their families on some Sundays and engaging in creative projects/units as a class on others.
This program allows children to become familiar with corporate worship in the sanctuary, and also recognizes the benefit of age-appropriate lessons and activities. We want worship to be joyful and fun!
For more information, contact

Upcoming Activities
Be sure you are getting the Children's Ministry newsletter to stay up to date on activities.
Contact us at for more information.
Nursery - Room 117
Parents and caregivers with squirmy babies or toddlers are welcome to use the Nursery. Livestreaming (via Youtube) is available during the service so you can watch the Sanctuary worship from the Nursery.